Civita Castellana Falerii Novi
The Excursion
Civita Castellana stands on a tuff plain with steep slopes, coinciding with the original site of the city of Falerii Veteres.
Of great interest is the imposing Borgia fortress, built according to an initial design by Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, constructed starting in 1492 as a stronghold to defend the Papal State, and the cathedral, erected in the 12th century, with mosaic decorations dating back to 1210, a grandiose work by the Cosmati family of Roman marble workers.
The Faliscan-Roman city of Falerii Novi and the adjacent Via Amerina, a Roman military road, constitute a monumental-archaeological complex of great interest, with the church of Santa Maria in Faleri, of Cistercian origin (around 1200), and the residential complex which was the seat of the bishop from the 4th to the 11th century.